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mercredi 26 décembre 2012

Dakota Fanning : Interview avec USA TODAY

Partie de l'Article traduit par It's Ok To Be You :D

(A propos de son obsession pour Duck Dynasty )

Alors elle a passée le mot à sa meilleure amie, Kristen Stewart.

"J'ai appelée Kristen et lui a dit qu'elle devait regarder cette série. Je pense que c'est la meilleure série. Ils font ces appels de canard. C'est de la folie," explique Fanning.

Article en ANGLAIS :

Dakota Fanning is attending NYU in Manhattan. And lest you think the actress spends her days and nights hitting the town's hottest parties, think again.

She's nuts for A&E's Duck Dynasty, a show about the family that specializes in duck calls.
"I am obsessed with it. I was watching it and totally zoned out. I never laugh at TV even if it's funny. I never laugh out loud. This show, I was cracking up. I was dying laughing," says Fanning.
So she spread the word to her best friend, Kristen Stewart. "I called Kristen and told her she had to watch this show. I think it's the best show ever. They make those duck calls. It's insane," says Fanning.

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